Efficient Notarization Services in Our City Safeguard High-Quality Development of Enterprises
Date:2024-03-28 14:55 source:Office of Lu'an Municipal People's Government visits:

In 2023, our city's notarization industry actively expanded new types of notarization services such as empowering notarization and intellectual property rights, and engaged in judicial assistance work such as participating in notarized mediation, promoting the construction of a legal and business-friendly environment.

Expanding the Notarization + Financial Model. The city handled more than 3000 cases of empowering notarization services. Through practical exploration, notarization agencies have established a "closed-loop" approach for empowering notarization services, ranging from pre-loan risk prevention, to post-loan collection management, and finally to applying for court filing, effectively resolving financial disputes and disposing of non-performing assets with good results.

Expanding the Notarization + Intellectual Property Protection Model. In early 2022, Jianghuai Notary Office became the first in the province to establish an "Intellectual Property Service Center", while Gaoxiang Notary Office set up an intellectual property business team. Since last year, more than 1000 cases of intellectual property rights have been handled, involving over 200 types of intellectual property. According to tracking from the China Judgment Document Network, intellectual property notarization certificates have been used by more than 50 courts in 14 provinces nationwide and have been recognized.

Expanding the Notarization + Mediation Model. Leveraging institutions such as the Gaoxiang Notary Office's mediation center stationed in Jin'an District Court, active efforts have been made to promote notarized participation in pre-litigation mediation and other work. Over 3000 cases of notarized mediation have been conducted, with many involving enterprise disputes such as sales contracts, pre-sale contracts for commercial housing, and financial loan contracts. Among them, there were two large-scale cases involving over 500 households each.
